Editor's note: We all need down time | Mortgage Strategy


Welcome to the first magazine of 2022. How has your year been so far? Is it just me or does it feel like we’re already six months in?

At the same time, it’s difficult to get my head around the fact that it’s 2022 — two years since the infamous pandemic hit and changed life as we knew it.

It seems that mortgage business has slowed somewhat since the stamp duty holiday ended, but I don’t think anyone could keep up the pace of last year and stay sane. After recent events, we know more than ever that one’s health really is one’s wealth.

Despite the ‘hike’, mortgage rates remain far cheaper than they were a decade ago. It won’t be long before the pace picks up again

At the time of going to press, we had just learned that the Bank of England had raised the base rate to 0.5%. That’s two base rate rises in quick succession.

It wasn’t unexpected given the rise in inflation, and the rate remains remarkably low, but the consensus is that this will have a considerable impact on many.

Those hoping to buy a home already have to contend with house prices at all-time highs. Despite now living in a year that sounds futuristic, the same drum is having to be beaten: demand for houses is far outstripping supply. But the mantra appears to be falling on deaf ears. As long as this issue prevails, we won’t see a decline in house prices any time soon.

With houses unaffordable for so many and mortgage rates on the rise, it will be a tricky time for some borrowers and there will be more pressure on brokers, striving to help clients get a good deal.

I don’t think anyone could keep up the pace of last year and stay sane

But most things come in peaks and troughs and, if business slows for lenders, rates will have to come down. When you look at the big picture, despite the ‘hike’, mortgage rates remain far cheaper than they were a decade ago. It won’t be long before the pace picks up again, so maybe now’s the time to take that break you promised yourself — if you get some elusive quiet time!

Before long, borrowers will be banging on your door again, knowing that a broker is the first port of call in securing the right mortgage deal.

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