Nick Walkley resigns as CEO of Homes England | Mortgage Introducer


Walkley joined the Homes and Communities Agency as chief executive in March 2017.

During his time at the agency, Walkley led an overhaul of the organisation built around the move to Homes England with the intention to increase housing supply and change the housing market.

He will step down on 28 February and Gordon More, the agency’s chief investment officer, will act as interim chief executive.

More will be supported by Lynda McMullan, chief financial officer, and an executive team drawn from the public and private sector.

Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick MP said: “I would like to thank Nick for his hard work and dedication as chief executive of Homes England.

“He has overseen a transformation of the organisation that has helped deliver more homes that communities need and helped so many families onto the housing ladder.

“I wish Nick all the best in his next endeavour.”

Walkley added: “ I’m very proud of what we’ve achieved and I’d like to thank my colleagues and our many industry partners for their dedication and support.

“My successor will find an organisation brimming with talent, purpose and heart.

“Homes England is well-positioned to support the country’s economic recovery and I wish my colleagues the very best.”

Peter Freeman, chair of the Homes England Board, said: “On behalf of the board and colleagues, I would like to thank Nick for his outstanding leadership in building a dynamic, commercial delivery agency.

“The country faces some crucial choices about how we emerge from the pandemic and Homes England stands ready to support the government in stimulating economic recovery and increasing housing supply.”