Latest apps to help you save


Saving can be hard at the best of times, especially when you have big goals on the horizon, such as a deposit for a home loan. There are lots of saving tips and tricks out there, but you can also boost your saving skills with a little help from an app on your phone. Here’s a look at some of the best apps – all free – that will give you saving power in your palm.


Not only can you share wallets between your family members to better track money in and money out, you can also have a bird’s eye view of your bills. This free app has functionality that lets you sync your online banking to the app to ensure you’re connected, plus, it recognises foreign currencies so you can use it overseas. Spendee looks great, too – smart design makes your finances easy to monitor.

What we love: You can track locations to see where you frequently spend. Who it suits: Someone who needs help managing everything.


There’s nothing worse than saving up all your pennies and then struggling to settle a split bill. No one wants to be the stickler for the fifty cent piece that makes a bill split even, so download Splitwise if you want to avoid the awkwardness. Bill-splitting may not seem like the biggest priority when you’re saving for your deposit, but every little bit counts. This free app will help you keep tabs on who owes what, and send friendly email reminders to those in the red. Easy!

What we love: You can track what you’re owed for rent, restaurant bills, movie tickets… anything. Who it suits: The person who plays the banker in Monopoly, or really anyone who can’t stand people who round the bill up.


Ahh the budget. Not the most exciting part of your day, but something that is a must-have when tracking your savings. If you’re not one to stay on top of everything, the free Fudget app will be a breeze. The simple functionality organises your budget into a list that you can tap your way through – it keeps things really simple.

What we love: It ditches all the bells and whistles for ease of use. Who it suits: Those who have never created a budget right through to seasoned professionals.


If you’re after another budgeting tool, check out the free app developed by ASIC. You’ll be able to keep tabs on exactly where your money is going. Work towards saving goals and classify expenditure based on ‘wants’ versus ‘needs’, which all helps to find opportunities to save.

What we love: It’s created by an Australian government agency, so you know you can trust the tool. Who it suits: Budget novices.


Since its release, the free Raiz app has been a hit! The functionality lets you round up your everyday purchases to the dollar, such as that daily coffee, to divert into a ‘Round-Ups’ account. The idea is brilliant and these incidental savings really add up. Once you give your round-ups the tick of approval, they’ll be invested into a portfolio of shares chosen by a Nobel Prize-winning economist. You can choose a portfolio based on how moderately or aggressively you want to invest.

What we love: You’ll be amazed at how quickly those spare cents add up. Who it suits: People interested in investing, who don’t really know where to start.