Landlords welcome Decent Homes Standard regulation: Paragon Mortgage Strategy


Just over half – 60% – of landlords either strongly or generally agree with the measures laid out in the Decent Homes Standard rules, shows a survey carried out by Paragon Bank.

The lender asked 500 landlords for their opinions and found that, as well as general support levels, 8% of landlords were not aware of plans to bring regulations from the social homes sector into the private rented sector (PRS), which the government will do so as part of the Renters Reform Bill.

Its implementation in the social housing sector in 2001 identified 39% of homes as being unfit for living in, which had fallen to 13% by 2020.

Additionally, the survey shows that 74% of PRS landlords are ‘frustrated’ that local authorities don’t take action against landlords responsible for letting sub-standard homes.

Paragon managing director of mortgages Richard Rowntree comments: “The vast majority of landlords have nothing to fear from a Decent Homes Standard as they are providing a good quality home to their tenants already.

“It’s the minority of landlords who don’t meet these standards that are tarnishing the wider reputation of the sector.

“Landlords have made great strides in improving the standards of rental property over the past 15 years and they should be celebrated.”

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