Where We Are Now: May 27, 2020


Work From Home — Day 71

Noise, Weight & Get Me Out of This House

5:30AM PST

Team –

Clearly, we are polishing our medals earned from managing noise. It seems to be an ever-present part of our life. During SIP it was first Baron’s and now reallylist.com – who? I would link to the 20-page direct mail piece sent to my community, but it does not appear on their website.

Any time news is published ask two simple questions:

  • Who is the audience?
  • What is the author’s agenda?

During my divorce, I would always be asked the question “is this true?” My every response was “I think 50 percent of what you hear is true. It’s up to you to figure out which 50 percent as I have no time for it.”

I have no time and no comment on the reallylist.com writing because of the two questions above. Who and what?

I am feeling the weight of SIP relaxing from my own shoulders. Not that I carry anymore in my pack than you do, but leadership responsibility can be complex and lonely. Your leadership of your family, team, office, or our real estate professionals could feel the same way.

The results our team created this weekend were just that, created by the relationships you developed over long periods of time. That’s the business we are in – relationships rule.

This about the trust and reputation you have developed over years of service. Client decisions are now being exercised with your advice and recommendations. You are navigating clients through huge financial decisions in an uncertain time. That is a heavy pack!

This is what you do. These are times you have been waiting for when you can directly voice your recommendations, in a time of crisis, when the client listens, realizes you are an expert, and local.

If you reflect back on the start and finish line writing of Brent Thomson, we can think about a new starting line, and an upcoming finish to SIP [stay safe and fight off a second SIP]. The start and finish line of this multifaceted event may be blurred, but we have clearly hit the start of a new selling season, and close enough to the finish of SIP.

There is that old saying “One door closed and another one opens. It’s the hallways that are brutal.” We are in a hallway balancing safety and a new robust housing season. 

Consumer demand and your tenacity are amazing! Repeating myself, these are days you have earned, trained and hoped for – seize the opportunity!

“Get me out of this house!” could be literally an intense source of housing demand. If you questioned your home in mid-March you are definitely questioning it now. 

Ride the wave with your mask – safety first!

This is Where We Are Now.



Mark A McLaughlin

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