5 Springtime Yard Care Tips - CompassBlog


It’s still early in the season, but there are plenty of things you can do now to ensure your yard is looking its best come summer.  Here are our top tips for achieving your best lawn now!

  1. Clean up:  Start with a clean slate and begin by picking up sticks and leaves that may still be left over from the fall.
  2. Clear out: It’s helpful to de-thatch your yard once a year. Thatch is the layer of dead stems and leaves that settles between your grass and the soil, and if this layer becomes too thick it’s hard for nutrients, air, and water to reach the soil. Remove it using this tool! If you have a large yard, most home improvement stores also offer electric de-thatching equipment that can save you some manual labor.
  3. Let it breathe: In order to thrive, grass roots need air and water, and tough winters and heavy use, the soil can become compacted. Aeration tools like this will pull up plugs of soil to allow the soil to expand. Leave the plugs on top and they’ll break down over time!
  4. Lay it on: Depositing grass seed on top of existing turf can be a helpful method in achieving a thicker, healthier yard.  Overseeding after you’ve done the previous steps is best to ensure the grass has a good place to land.  And be sure to give it plenty of water after it’s laid down.
  5. Feed it: Fertilizing in the early spring will ensure strong roots when conditions become more harsh in summertime. Look for a fertilizer formulated for spring at your home improvement stores that’s high in nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium.  For best results, spread it using a tool like this.  Laying down too much fertilizer in one spot can burn the grass you’ve worked so hard to get healthy!