How to Keep Marketing When Business Stops Moving - Mortgage Rates & Mortgage Broker News in Canada


I saw a great meme this week. It said, “For years, I thought my housework wasn’t getting done because I didn’t have the time. Turns out, that wasn’t the problem.”

We all have a list of things we would do if we had the time. Now, we have the time to move that list to the front-burner and turn up the heat. Don’t miss this chance. With any luck, it won’t come around again for a long time.

Now, I can’t say this strongly enough: This is not the time to sell. But this is the time when your customers really need you. By rising to the occasion, you’ll meet pressing customer needs.

Hopefully, your clients already know you as somebody who’s a “helper.” If that’s the case, this is a golden opportunity to cement that in their minds. If you’ve had more of a sales relationship with them, now’s the time to become the helper they need.

5 things your customers (and all of us) need right now

  1. Reliable information (since we’re all scrolling through a thousand memes like the one I quoted above).
  2. Activities for withstanding social distancing, self-isolation, or quarantine.
  3. Clear updates on government programs and other tools to keep their budget, savings, or mortgage on track.
  4. Caring contact, especially if they are on their own and likely to feel lonely.
  5. Reassurance for those who are in a good position, or your expertise and suggestions if they aren’t.

Don’t wait to start generating helpful content – others will happily fill the need.

Past clients, prospects, referral sources, partners, friends, relativeseverybody needs trustworthy information right now. You can fill the need with content marketing that is thoughtful and caring.

Not sure how to get started? Here’s how: Take a look at the list I’ve provided. Take something directly from it, or use it to generate ideas that fit you better.

Send personal video messages

(BombBomb is an excellent tool for this.) You can do this one-to-one or one-to-many, depending on your message and audiences.

  • Record personalized video messages to your VIP clients and partners. Use the video simply to check in with them, or to cover relevant topics.
  • Send “thank you” video messages to those who are healthcare workers, frontline staff, men and women in uniform.

Mail cards

There’s nothing like the warmth of a written card. Canada Post is an essential service, so treat sending cards in the mail as an “essential” touch point.

  • If you know of any healthcare workers, front line staff, send them a card of thanks.
  • Send a card just because we could all use a pick-me-up.

Write a top 3, 5, or 10 list

Make this list fun–one that people can action right away. People are looking for things to do. Consider doing this weekly or bi-weekly and ask your audience to respond with additions to your list.

  • You might list top books, recipes, card games, 80s TV shows to binge on, desserts to bake. You get the idea.

Host a contest

In times like these, we need to think of ideas that will spark fun, like a contest.

  • It could be the oldest food item in their pantry, a singing or talent contest.
  • Provide a prize you can purchase and send to the winner online. Ask for a picture you can post of them with their prize.

Summarize government updates

The provincial and federal governments are continually announcing and updating us on relief packages for Canadians. Communicate to the people you know who would appreciate receiving the information.

  • Review these programs in writing or by videolive or recorded, Q&A session or Facebook or Instagram Live.
  • Here’s the catch: Read the program and provide your insight. Give listeners or readers some direction on applying. Provide a Coles Notes version. (If you’re younger than me, think Blinkist).

Host a Facebook or Instagram Live session

Online communication is more popular than ever. Right now, it’s a necessity.

  • Reach out to experts in your network and host a 15- or 20-minute Facebook live session with them.
  • The experts don’t necessarily need to be from the finance or mortgage industry. Do something different and invite life coaches, psychologists, teachers, journalists.

Record a fireside chat

If you’re not a fan of “live sessions,” consider jumping on a Go To Meeting or Zoom video call.

  • Record a 10- to 15-minute chat with an expert (either in your field or not in your field).
  • Once again, I’d consider an expert outside of your fieldit will be different and gain people’s attention. And you’re not doing what hundreds of others are.
  • Consider recording a few in a row and release them every week or second week.

Offer a Q&A session

There are lots of questions your audience may be having about mortgages and related topics.

  • Consider hosting a “live” session where you take questions. Invite a guest, or perhaps put together a panel discussion.
  • There are a few options for this; either do it live or record a video or teleconference call.
  • Figure out which one is best for your audience and you!

Above all, don’t sell. Just help

Don’t even think about any selling right now. Just think about helping, and you’ll be laying the groundwork for sales to develop as the world normalizes again.

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