Landlords call for dispute resolution service to speed up evictions | Mortgage Strategy


Landlords are lobbying the government to introduce a new conciliation service to help resolve eviction disputes before they reach court.

The National Residential Landlords’ Association would like ministers to introduce a publicly-funded scheme similar to the employment dispute resolution service ACAS, as part of the Renters’ Reform Bill.

The aim would be to reduce the costs and stress involved in formal court proceedings.

The landlord body has long campaigned against government plans to scrap Section 21 so-called “no-fault” evictions.

Its latest proposals ask policymakers to define scenarios in which there are clear grounds for repossession, such as cases of rent arrears, anti-social behaviour or landlords needing to sell a property.

The proposed conciliation service could then help landlord and tenants agree whether to maintain or end the rental agreement.

Where landlords failed to abide by the terms of the agreement they would be banned from being able to repossess the property using the same ground for six months. 

Where renters fail to comply, the case would be fast-tracked through the courts.

More serious cases, such as those involving criminal activity, would still go straight to court.

NRLA chief executive Ben Beadle says: “As the government prepares this important Bill, it needs to enjoy the full confidence of both landlords and tenants. 

“Our proposals are for a fundamental reform of repossession rights which strike the balance between the needs of both. 

“The overriding aim is to sustain tenancies wherever possible or bring them to an end in a collaborative way.

“We hope that ministers will accept our proposals and act on them soon.”

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