Barclays trims rates on Mortgage Guarantee Scheme and Green Home Mortgages | Mortgage Introducer


As of tomorrow its 90% loan-to-value (LTV) 2-year and its 60% LTV 5-year fee free fixes will be reduced.

The 2-year fix drops to 3.22% from 3.72% whilst the 5-year comes in at 1.52%, down from 1.68%. For borrowers paying a £999 fee a 5-year 90% LTV product is reduced from 3.48% to 3.30%.

The lender is also reducing rates on its 2-year and 5-year MGS fixes which drop to 3.96% and 3.97% respectively. The Green Home Mortgage fixed for 2-years at 90% LTV drops to 3.12%.

Additional new products have been launched for buy-to-let purchase and remortgages. Rates start are 2.05% for a 2-year fix or 2.15 for a 5-year fix. Fees are £1,295 for purchase and £1,795 for remortgage.