Raisin: Leicester is the best city to invest in business or property | Mortgage Introducer


The business survival rate in the city is over 91% and house prices have risen by 28.3% in the past two years.

The average house price in Leicester is £246,000 and is rising.

Also making the top three for investments are Bristol and Coventry, as they both have high rates for business survival (88.7% and 90.6%) and house price increases of 26% and 28%.

The research also compared the price of office space per square foot in each location.

Among the top five cities to invest in, the price of office space ranged from £160.51 (Leicester) to £14.94 (Chester) per square foot.

Between 2015 and 2019, house prices in London rose by just 10.9%, compared with a high of 32.4% in Salford, and a low of -22.2% in Aberdeen.

Kevin Mountford, co-founder of Raisin UK, said: “Whether you’re buying a house or starting a business, you have to weigh up the pros and cons, and the location is a key factor in that.

“Using the Raisin UK city investment index you can find the most practical and profitable location for your business and property needs, encouraging the most successful outcome of your investment and hard-earned savings.”