Match Me Car Finance appoints Loans Warehouse to provide loan comparison platform | Mortgage Introducer


Applications made on Match Me Car Finance’s website will be assessed online as part of their initial application and qualifying clients will be presented with traditional hire purchase options and the opportunity to speak to a finance executive.

These clients will then have the option to continue their search online through Loans Warehouse’s digital personal loan search platform.

Callum Walsh, founder of Match Me Car Finance, said on LinkedIn: “Since the lockdown, Match Me Car Finance [has] financed £870,346 worth of cars and vans for key workers, tradespeople, and those in need of a vehicle to support themselves and others.

“Loans Warehouse approached us last week, their proposition stood out immediately and the partnership was one of the easiest decisions I’ve made as a business owner. 

“Within a few days we had completed due diligence, our white label site was built and we were live. 

“Additionally, we have the ability to fully integrate their API platform too, which [will] further increase client choice!”

Matt Tristram, founder of Loans Warehouse, added: “Personal loans traditionally offer prime customers lower starting rates, whereas hire purchase can offer higher-risk customers a better price due to the additional security of the asset so it’s a natural fit to offer the client the ability to compare.

“We continue to demonstrate the many uses of our personal loan platform, across property, car finance and comparison brands, the current pandemic has seen an increase in interest in our partner proposition as business look for opportunity post lockdown.”