Market Harborough brings out HNW bridging products | Mortgage Strategy


Market Harborough Building Society (MHBS) has issued a new range of bridging solutions designed for high net worth (HNW) clients.

They are available at up to 70% LTV on a five-year term of rolled-up interest with monthly fees starting from 0.42% with a minimum loan size of £200,000 and, for HNW borrowers, up to £5m.

The HNW products features the option for dual representation, the use of AVMs, and tailored fee structured and rates.

The lender also offers same-day ESIS for simple cases and next day delivery for more complicated scenarios.

MHBS head of specialist lending Stephen Barringer comments: “The addition of bespoke solutions for HNW clients strengthens our position as a respected bridging lender.

“Our award-winning team includes bridging specialists and experienced bridging underwriters, who provide a personal and professional service to clients.”

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