AI and real estate


Artificial intelligence will be changing the world of real estate in many ways, with many of these changes already well underway. Here are just three of them. 

Online content

One of the biggest changes that we'll see is an explosion of AI-generated content. News stories, advice articles, advice videos, social media posts, and online ads. It won't be long before a majority of the content that we encounter online, not just real estate content, is produced by AI. For many of us, knowing "who" and what to trust online will be a constant battle. 

Administrative support

Another big change that we'll encounter is in the area of administrative support. In many cases, the online support person who schedules our property showings and answers our basic questions won't be a person at all. It will be AI. 


Still another area is in the domain of predictive analytics. AI has the ability to process vast amounts of data and make inferences from it. This means in the future AI tools will be used to price a property, predict its future value, and make predictions about the direction of the larger market. 

Still, there are quite a few things AI can't do.

Like showing empathy and concern for a client's individual needs. Exercising intuition and creative problem-solving. And picking up the phone and calling a client when having a conversation is important. 

Which means in many ways, nothing really changes at all. We'll keep doing what we've always been doing -- which is helping you and serving you on a personal level.