Owl Financial links up with iPipeline | Mortgage Introducer


As part of its COVID-19 remote advice approach Owl Financial will automate compliance and data protection documents that require a signature from clients.

This enables Owl Financial Protection Advisers to take documents that previously had to be signed during the initial face-to-face meeting with a client and issue and sign ahead of or at the start of a remote meeting.

Owl Financial’s 1,200+ advisers will have access to the solution

Paul Yates, product strategy director at iPipeline, said: “We are delighted that Owl Financial has adopted AlphaTrust. Digitising its compliance and data protection documents will improve the firm’s business process by increasing efficiency, improving security and reducing costs. It also means advisers can more easily provide much-needed protection advice to clients amid the remote-selling environment brought about by the pandemic.”

Liam Richards, Owl Financial’s head of sales, added: “We’re constantly looking at how we can improve our services and are delighted that our Protection Advisers and customers can benefit from a swift and secure e-signature solution. We’ve had positive feedback about how straightforward the process is.”

Owl Financial is part of Openwork Limited.