Pepper Money partners with Ecologi | Mortgage Introducer


The partnership means that Pepper Money commits to provide ongoing financial support to Ecologi to fund its tree planting and carbon reduction activities.

Pepper Money has so far helped to reduce 174 tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere, planting 2,316 trees, helping to fund a biogas to electricity plant in Thailand and fuel-efficient cooking stoves in Honduras in the process.

Removing this volume of CO2 from the atmosphere is equivalent to 134 long haul flights, 522 square metres of sea ice saved, or 431,694 miles driven in a car.

Laurence Morey, chief executive of Pepper Money, said: “We have the incredible opportunity to positively impact society with the work we do.

“We’re constantly developing our corporate responsibility commitments to go above and beyond our mission, and now we positively impact our planet through a brand new partnership with Ecologi.

“We’ve realised we’re at a crucial point within the specialist lending sector where many lenders and brokers are coming to understand the environmental impact our industry has on our planet.

“We have an active role to play to change the way our industry is impacting our environment.”