Paradigm partners with Twenty7Tec | Mortgage Strategy


Paradigm Mortgage Services has formed a partnership with Twenty7tec.

Twenty7tec has been added to the technology provider roster allowing Paradigm member firms to integrate the system into their businesses.

Paradigm says the new relationship would focus on providing technology solutions to member firms to help speed up the adoption within their businesses.

Twenty7tec’s Velocity technology solution includes Finplan Home, Finplan Protect, Finplan Wealth, Capture, Source, Apply and Insight.

Velocity can be used by advice firms across the mortgage, protection and wealth sectors, as well as providers of financial services products. 

As part of the new partnership, Paradigm has secured special mortgage sourcing terms at a discounted rate with Twenty7tec.

The sourcing system enables advisers to see lenders that are relevant based on the client data entered.

Paradigm Mortgage Services director Richard Howes says: “We’re looking forward to working with the team at Twenty7tec to help drive the development and uptake of technology within the advisory space to help all our members.”

Twenty7Tec national account manager Rhys Powell adds: “We are delighted to continue and deepen the relationship between Twenty7tec and Paradigm Mortgage Services. In the current climate advisers are looking to technology for solutions to reduce the time they spend on a customer journey, while remaining compliant at the same time.”

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