Lawyer Checker extends affiliate membership with the CA | Mortgage Introducer


Established in 2011, Lawyer Checker is now recognised as an integral element within conveyancing risk management, also providing services to help protect the wider legal market.

Lawyer Checker offers a number of products including account and entity screen and a consumer bank account checker.

As affiliate members for a further two-year term, Lawyer Checker will be working closely with the CA to support conveyancing firms to protect themselves and their customers; offering advice, support and resource to do this.

Affiliate members are able to attend select policy and strategy board meetings, the legal members’ meeting and all member meetings.

Each affiliate member has the opportunity to present and their details are prominently advertised on the CA website, its newsletters and on all relevant CA publications.

All affiliate members will also attend, and be promoted, at the CA annual conference and dinner.

Tom Lyes, director of engagement at Lawyer Checker, said: “We are delighted to extend our longstanding relationship with The Conveyancing Association.

“The work done by the Conveyancing Association in the last year to voice the views of their members and the industry should not go without gratitude.

“At Lawyer Checker we get out of bed in the morning to help protect law firms via our suite of solutions that help law firms protect themselves from funds transfer fraud, ID fraud and cyber-crime.

“It’s our aim to be the trusted provider for law firms in the fraud and cyber space so they can rely on our expertise to help them tackle some of the challenges that these threats bring. “

Lloyd Davies, operations director at the Conveyancing Association, added: “Lawyer Checker have been a key affiliate member for the association over the last two years, and we’re very pleased to announce their continued membership.

“We do not underestimate the commitment businesses like Lawyer Checker are making when signing up again to affiliate membership, particularly in the current economic environment.

“Fraud prevention is an ongoing and important workstream for the Association and we want to work with the leading fraud prevention businesses in the sector in order to help our members meet this threat.

“To that end, everyone in the CA is looking forward to continuing our work with Lawyer Checker in the months and years to come, in order to do everything we can to keep fraudulent activity to the absolute minimum.”