GlobalX become latest CA affiliate member | Mortgage Introducer


Established over 30 years ago, GlobalX is a provider of property and company information.

Over the past 24 months, GlobalX (pictured is chief executive Mark Allwood) has delivered two digital products to the conveyancing market, BuildX which is a platform that professionals can use to access and download instant conveyancing searches for new-build properties and MatterCentre, an end-to-end cloud-based conveyancing software.

Both products were designed and built upon the feedback and input of conveyancers.

As affiliate members for an initial term of two years, GlobalX will be working closely with the CA to explore new and innovative ways to digitise and simplify conveyancing processes.

Affiliate members are able to attend select policy and strategy board meetings, legal members’ meeting and all member meetings.

Each affiliate member has the opportunity to present and their details are prominently advertised on the CA website, its newsletters and on all relevant CA publications.

All affiliate members will also attend, and be promoted, at the CA Annual conference and dinner.

Lloyd Davies, operations director at the Conveyancing Association, said: “The CA is always looking to work with new affiliate members who are fully committed to the conveyancing sector and can work with us, and our member firms, in a variety of ways to help further our aims and help develop new services and products.

“We are very pleased to be able to welcome GlobalX to the CA who were unanimously accepted by the CA executive and will be playing a full part in our meetings and within the association.

“What is perhaps even more noteworthy, is the support and commitment shown by GlobalX to the CA at what is an undoubtedly challenging time for many businesses and organisations.

“We certainly appreciate their membership and we’re looking forward to working together on a number of important initiatives.”