Sesame Bankhall creates support hub for PMS Mortgage Club and network members | Mortgage Strategy


Sesame Bankhall Group (SBG) has created a support hub for PMS Mortgage Club and Sesame Network members.

The new hub will provide educational tools and resources to ensure advisers are fully prepared for what SBG has called the “biggest mortgage refinancing opportunity of the decade”.

The hub provides advisers with guides, hints and tips, and other information to help the estimated 3.1m UK customers who are coming to the end of their fixed rate mortgage before the end of next year.

SBG says there is around £470bn of product transfer and remortgage business projected for the remainder of 2022 and whole of 2023.

The resources available on the hub include template letters to help advisers re-engage with clients, along with social media tools, frequently asked questions, and a product transfer matrix outlining when each lender typically contacts borrowers whose fixed rates are expiring.

The launch of SBG’s mortgage refinance support hub is the latest in a series of new campaigns and services launched this year. 

SBG partnered with in July to provide PMS Mortgage Club and Sesame Network members access to its automated relationship management tool for their mortgage clients.  

In addition, SBG  launched its Protection Pledge campaign earlier this year, which includes support to help advisers discuss the continuing benefits and importance of protection.

SBG strategic relationships director Stephanie Charman says: “We are witnessing the biggest mortgage refinancing opportunity of the decade and it’s important for advisers to be prepared to support the millions of borrowers who will need advice.”

“That is why we have launched our new and improved mortgage refinance hub, to give advisers the tools and resources to help them provide the best possible advice to clients and ensure they get the right deal.”

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