Chris Lyons // Lyons Realty


The hidden expenses of “low-cost” technology

Ever wonder if you’re making the right investment with technology? Will the ROI be worth it? What if there is a better system out there for less money?

Chris Lyons runs an indie brokerage with two expansion teams in Texas, and his agents were asking the same questions. After quite some time with BoomTown, the agents of Lyons Realty wanted to test drive another real estate software to see if they could get the same experience at a lower out-of-pocket cost.

After two months with the new system, Lyons Realty was back with BoomTown.

“The other system, it had similar features and it looked okay, so we went with it. Well…it was a complete disaster. Once you’re with BoomTown and the customer service and support is so good, you go anywhere else and it’s just an awful experience.”

User Experience

The new system was going to be much harder to navigate – this was immediately apparent.

Agents found that the system wasn’t very user friendly. Some of the features were pretty cool, but nothing felt intuitive, and the experience was complicated and frustrating. Overall, the gap between this new system and BoomTown was glaring.

“With BoomTown you log on and it’s nice and clean. It’s super easy to see what’s going on. The other system was too hard to figure out.”

So why is user experience important for your agents?

A good user experience = Agent adoption.

Agent adoption = $$$

With a complicated system, agents give up. They don’t take advantage of the features that exist to help grow your business. “A tool is only as good as it’s user.”

Leads and ROI

Without tracking, it’s nearly impossible to benchmark ROI and justify the cost of an investment in tech. The agents missed BoomTown’s tracking dashboard, where they were able to go in and see which leads were coming from where. With the other system, they were flying blind when trying to identify lead sources and performance. One thing was clear though – lead volume was low with this other system.

“When we tried out this other CRM, with the same budget, they were doing nothing like the leads that you generate with BoomTown. When we went live with BoomTown again, our lead count skyrocketed. Same traffic, same budget. We didn’t do anything different”

A “low-cost” system means a lower monthly or annual cost for your CRM. Which can be great! The flip side, is that if your system isn’t helping you to…

  • Generate more leads
  • Improve lead follow up
  • Automate busy work to free up time for agents
  • Close more deals

…then you’re ultimately paying for a glorified rolodex.

Training & Support

Tech can be tough. Real estate software is complex, and no system is going to be a walk in the park.

This is why effective training and available support is essential! From day one, the difference was clear. With BoomTown, agents get one-on-one onboarding. Training is thorough and tailored to the agent’s schedule. BoomTown offers training live online, over the phone, onsite at your office, or regional in-person. It’s so effective, that 97% of clients that complete training with BoomTown, see a much higher rate of success.

“With the new system, onboarding was really nonexistent. So we came into the system without really knowing anything. And the follow-up and service after that…it just didn’t happen.”

When a problem or question pops up, Chris and his team know that with BoomTown, they have an army of support. Whether it’s a direct call with a success manager, a quick email response from tech support, or using peer-to-peer knowledge in the owner/agent communities, support was available. 7 days a week.

“With the other guy, we must have had over 100 support tickets in two months.”

Chris and his agents had grown accustomed to having a partner in their business, not just a piece of technology. At the end of their experience, it was clear that BoomTown was the partner for Lyon’s Realty. Lyon’s Realty completes about 500 transactions a year, and continues to grow.