Castle Trust Bank hires Nathan Thorne Mortgage Strategy


Castle Trust Bank hires Nathan Thorne as regional account manager for the South West.

Thorne joins with seven years of experience in mortgages and most recently worked as a business development manager at KSEYE.

He started his career at broker firm CMMA and then went on to work at OneSavings Bank as a lending assessor and Market Financial Solutions as a junior underwriter.

In his new role, Thorne will work with broker firms in the South West to discuss how Castle Trust Bank’s bridging options could benefit their clients.

Castle Trust Bank commercial director Anna Lewis says: “We are delighted to welcome Nathan to the Castle Trust Bank team to help us grow our business in the South West region.”

“With previous experience working at a broker firm and in underwriting functions under his belt, Nathan has a range of skills and expertise to help brokers identify and structure lending solutions to help their property investor clients get more from their portfolios.”

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