Majority of property professionals say Rics cladding guidance helpful Mortgage Finance Gazette


Almost nine out of 10 property professionals believe that the latest Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (Rics) guidance on cladding has had a positive impact.

The figures come from a webinar poll from Countrywide Surveying Services (CSS) which shows that an overwhelming majority of 88% see the guidance as helpful, with only 12% responding negatively.

RICS issued the updated guidance for the valuation of multi-storey buildings in December 2022, insisting at the time it would bring clarity and confidence to the mortgage market.

A further poll taken during the CSS webinar indicates that 42% of property professionals have noticed a market returning for flats, while 58% report seeing no discernable change in this area of the housing market.

Over 400 people actively engaged with the session, with the audience consisting of lenders, brokers, surveyors and other property professionals.

Countrywide Surveying Services director of technical, risk and compliance, John Baguley comments: “The cladding issue has been prominent across the housing and mortgage markets for a number of years now, causing emotional and financial concern for all too many homeowners.

“Thankfully, several key developments have happened recently. From different avenues opening up to pay for remediation works, through to the latest RICS guidance which has been specifically developed to reflect the new funding streams with the intention of allowing valuing and lending to happen again”.

He adds: “While it’s great to see some positive solutions emerge for everyone connected to this building safety nightmare, we – as an industry – need to continue pushing hard to ensure that anyone affected by this issue is fully aware of any current and future changes and the impact on the market for such properties.”