MetLife UK to offer medical tele-underwriting service | Mortgage Introducer


The new service, launched in partnership with the Medicals Direct Group (MDG), provides an alternative to traditional written health questionnaire forms by offering telephone consultations with medical professionals at convenient time slots, including evenings and Saturdays.

Tele-underwriting helps ensure that customers answer all relevant and necessary questions, and cuts down the time spent on follow-up questions.

Customers who would prefer to complete a traditional paper based form can still do this, returning their completed form via post to MetLife UK.

MDG employs a panel of highly-trained medical professionals to conduct telephone consultations, with calls lasting approximately 30 minutes.

Customers opting for tele-underwriting need to complete a telephone consultation consent form, and will be contacted by MDG within three working days to arrange a mutually convenient time for the telephone consultation.

A copy of the transcript can be provided to customers on request.

Adrian Matthews, employee benefits director at MetLife UKsaid “At MetLife we believe it is important to provide greater choice for customers and the launch of tele-underwriting gives our customers another option to decide what best suits their needs.”