Day in the Life of... Peter Barnes, head of intermediaries, Mortgages for Business | Mortgage Strategy


My alarm goes off at…

…5.34am, but it’s 20 minutes fast so I can press the snooze button for 20 minutes (mad, I know — it’s a long story).

I’m up at 5.40am and in the gym by 6.00am. I’m not a gym bore, and I never thought I’d be getting up early to be there when it opened, but it is one of the best parts of my day. It’s the same people there, every day, and we are all of a certain age so it’s a good atmosphere.

I’m out of the gym before the ‘pairs’ arrive (you know, the ones who stand there, counting for each other: ‘Come on, mate, just two more’).

Each client is different and needs different things from you and from a mortgage. That makes each day exciting

I wanted to work in the mortgage industry because…

…I had to get out of banking. I did 30 years with a high-street bank, but changes in ethos meant it was time to try something new.

Getting out of the corporate sphere to work at a smaller firm (albeit we have over 50 staff), alongside a number of ex-bankers who had the same thoughts as me, made it an easy choice when the opportunity was offered.

Something that surprised me about my job was…

…the ability to say ‘Yes’ in most scenarios, and being appreciated by clients who recognise the work you have done on their behalf. It makes my job that much more rewarding.

Being back in the (safe) office environment makes the 5.34am get-ups all worth it

A misconception about my role is…

…everything is simple.

I speak to a lot of clients who use the brokerage because they have used us before, they trust us, and they know we have the expertise to source products that will meet their circumstances.

This part is great, but I also speak to many clients who think it’s easy to be a landlord or property developer. They approach us with very speculative proposals, 5% contributions and no experience, and can’t understand why lenders are risk averse.

My typical day entails…

…problem solving, sourcing suitable mortgages, problem solving, chasing lenders, problem solving and general admin. Did I mention problem solving?

The ability to say ‘Yes’ in most scenarios surprised me about my job

It’s this part that keeps you on your toes and makes each day exciting. Each client is different and needs different things from you and from a mortgage.

A perk of the job is…

…meeting a wide variety of people from all walks of life and getting to know their stories. What with lockdowns and the pandemic, being back in the (safe) office environment makes the 5.34am get-ups all worth it.

My favourite work memory is…

…although I moaned about the bank and corporate atmosphere, the early days were always fun. Walking down Piccadilly dressed as one half of a pantomime horse (Christmas party fancy dress) stands out in my memory.

I speak to many clients who think it’s easy to be a landlord or property developer

To unwind after work, I…

…enjoy the drive home. It’s 25 minutes of ‘me’ time, when the music gets turned up and I get caught lip syncing by other drivers.

Walking the dog blows off the cobwebs of the day, and I make sure we go out at least once or twice a week to break the monotony of watching the TV every night.

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