Tommy Mack // Coastal Collection Real Estate


Problems In Paradise

Tommy Mack was facing an interesting dilemma. Tommy has been in real estate for about five years and is the broker of Coastal Collection Real Estate in Key West, Florida. In this unique market, most of his leads are second-home, luxury, and vacation homebuyers, and aren’t looking to buy a home for another 2-5 years.

How do you deal with leads who won’t be ready to buy for another few years? How do you get your agents to follow up with leads several years down the line? Tommy needed to find a way for his team to keep track of follow-ups even years down the line.

BoomTown Holds The Keys To Success

After researching several other lead management systems, Tommy found the answer to his problems with BoomTown. The powerful CRM provided just the tools he needed to keep his leads engaged over a longer period of time.

With Smart-Drip email automations, he could create custom campaigns to nurture leads over several years. And personalized e-Alerts keep his leads returning to his site to view more properties.

“There’s no way we could have kept up proper follow-up while maintaining the same lead flow without BoomTown’s tools and services. We would have had to scale back on leads, which means scaling back on income. They saved us valuable time and increased our number of appointments and closed deals.”

Just a few months into starting with BoomTown, his lead volume started to grow exponentially. However, as business started to pick up, it became harder to give every single lead the proper amount of attention they needed.

With his longer-term leads, agents must not only be patient, but also vigilant about following up. However, most real estate agents are used to leads that convert within a few weeks or months. He was struggling to find and hire agents who understood the longer play involved with luxury leads. The lead response time was dropping and lead follow-up was slipping through the cracks.

The Importance of Lead Response Time

He had developed an efficient follow-up process with BoomTown, but wasn’t sure if he could trust that his agents were always adhering to that process.

Tommy then joined the beta team for the Lead Development Services pilot program. So far, Lead Development Services has been calling his new leads for a year.

When Lead Development Services makes initial contact, the leads are assigned to agents in BoomTown, ready-to-go with notes on their conversation, timeline, and dates of their visit to the Florida Keys.

With BoomTown’s in-house team, Tommy could trust that they not only knew the system well, but understood his business. He could place full confidence in the Lead Development Services team to follow up better.

The Value of Long-Term Nurture

Even though many of these Key West leads are 2-5 years away from buying a home, he still considers them “money in the bank.” So, it’s extremely valuable to have a CRM system that can assign e-Alerts and email drips, schedule dates, and set to-do’s for follow-up.

And with Lead Development Services calling his new leads, Tommy no longer had to badger his agents about sticking to the follow-up protocol, or worry about leads slipping through the cracks.

“My agents are spoiled!” jokes Tommy. “All the work is already done when the lead comes in.”

Three months into using Lead Development Services, Tommy started to see an uptick in the number of showings. In just 18 months, the Buy The Keys team went from closing 20 transactions a year up to 50 transactions. Considering the average price point of $700,000, increasing their transaction volume by 250% has meant major growth for Tommy and his business.

“BoomTown has been life-changing!” says Tommy. “Sometimes it’s difficult to get agents on the same page, but with the BoomTown team, I felt like I gained a supportive team in my court.”