Movin Legal launches CPD conveyancing course - Mortgage Introducer


The 60-minute course, available free to brokers and introducers, explains issues such as what property searches and indemnities are required for, and what happens behind the scenes of a property transaction.

Cheshire Money Group and UK Moneyman Mortgage Brokers are among the companies that have completed the course so far.

John Ahmed, chief executive of Movin Legal, said: “From the conversations we have been having with our introducers over the last 18 months it was clear that there was an appetite to learn more about what conveyancing is.

“Conveyancing can be a long drawn out process – moreso since the start of the pandemic – but it doesn’t have to be.

“However it’s important that introducers understand the processes involved so that they can explain clearly to their clients what is going on behind the scenes and how Movin legal can help speed up the process.

“That’s one of the reasons why we have set up this CPD accredited training session – brokers and introducers need to understand how the process works.

“Some cases will always slide through with ease but unfortunatley others do not.

“It’s normally those cases that don’t tick the right boxes that cause problems and solicitors are the one’s in the firing line.

“But more often than not it’s the processes behind the scenes that cause delays.

“I think it’s important that we can explain how this happens.”

Emma Hall, key relationship director and course curator at Movin Legal, added: “Longer search turn-around from local councils and the like as well as the issues revolving around working from home have thrown up many issues for solicitors, much as the latter has for introducers.

“And that’s not to mention the stamp duty holiday! They have all had a mitigating impact on the conveyancing process.

“Nine times out of 10 when I take a call to help a broker or introducer and explain why certain actions have not taken place then there is a greater understanding which helps them with their client.”

Andrew Jones, director of The Cheshire Money Group, said: “The Movin Legal course was great in helping explain to our team how the whole conveyancing process works.

“It was a great refresher for our experienced staff but also invaluable to our newer team members too.”

Malcom Davidson, managing director at UK Moneyman Mortgage Brokers, said: “All of our advisers and admin team found this session really enlightening.

“We can all be quick to criticise conveyancers when cases start to drag out and causing mortgage offers to expire.

“We are now much better informed about some of the challenges that conveyancers face and how we can manage our clients’ expectations better.”