The Nottingham returns to 85% LTV market | Mortgage Introducer


Notable offerings include a 2-year fix at 2.95%, and a 2-year fix at 3.10%.

The former deal is fee-free and for remortgage only, while the latter product is also fee-free and is available for purchase and remortgage.

Nikki Warren-Dean, head of intermediary sales at The Nottingham, said: “It’s great that we have returned to 85% LTV – brokers can now benefit from this new LTV twinned with our service levels.

“We are hoping this move contributes to a more positive year for those looking to get themselves onto the property ladder, to move along it or stay where they are but in a more affordable way.

“What has been important has been to get to the place where we are today in a phased and measured way.

“There can be no doubting last year was extremely challenging for everyone, but hopefully we can play our part in 2021 being a lot more positive in the mortgage space.”