What Evidence Do You Have That She Knew Your Client Was Sick? Uhh- She Delivered Him To Hospice. | Weidner Law


After a bench trial, Judge Linda Allen wrote a Final Judgment harshly depicting Appellants as liars, thieves, scoundrels, and frauds.

But the trial court unfairly bad mouthed Appellants to the extreme.

Appellee conned Appellants out of $12,000 and then came into court and conned the trial court into declaring him a “vulnerable adult” while declaring Appellants every conceivable ilk of scoundrel and thief.

Appellee’s case was shoddy at best: He never specifically identified the exact kind of cancer, its severity or degree, the date of his diagnosis or any dates related to it, whether and how the cancer affected his brain so severely he was mentally incompetent specifically on August 4, 2016 when he executed the Deed.


