FIBA adds Hilltop Credit Partners to panel | Mortgage Introducer


Hilltop Credit Partners management team has 30+ years’ experience across real estate development, asset management, credit, banking, legal, tax and fund operations, enabling a holistic approach to development lending.

Adam Tyler, executive chairman of FIBA, commented: “Today’s developer undoubtedly needs a bigger toolkit of specialist financial skills. Hilltop combines development experience with data-driven analytics to help make better lending decisions. They want to approach any introduction by being entrepreneurial, with the ability to move quickly in order to provide the funding your customers need to seize opportunities.”

Adam Ware, vice president, origination at Hilltop Credit Partners, added: “We’re excited to be joining FIBA, recognising the vital role brokers play in connecting SME developers with the right funding for their projects.

“Our one-stop finance is a unique solution that saves brokers and their clients time and peace of mind compared to piecing together funding from multiple sources. We lower the overall cost of capital and lend deeper into the capital stack, assuming more risk to stretch developers’ equity further, improve their returns and enable them to secure additional projects.”