Tumalo Falls is a Bend Visitor Must See


We have lived in Bend Oregon since 1985 and have hiked to Tumalo Falls and beyond many times. This lovely waterfall, located not far from Bend's westside, also is in the Bend Municipal Watershed where the majority of Bend's water comes from. Most tourists hike the 1/4 mile from the parking lot to the view point at the top the falls. But for those who are willing to continue hiking past Tumalo Falls on the trail toward Happy Valley, the rewards of many additional waterfalls are well worth the effort.

On July 31, 2021, we hiked the alternate route to Happy Valley, traveling up North Fork Trail #24, climbing 1300 feet to the Junction of trails 370 and 4601 and from there to Happy Valley. Happy Valley has changed a lot over the years we have hiked there.  What used to be a remote location has become a stopping point for many mountain bikers with trails converging there.  If hikers travel this route, they need to be aware of bikers on the trail and be prepared to step off to allow the bikers room to safely pass.  

From Happy Valley traveling down the loop back to the viewpoint at the top of Tumalo Falls, people can stop at multiple waterfalls which have such inspiring names as Middle Fork Tumalo Falls, Lower Middle Fork Tumalo Falls,  Lower North Fork Tumalo Falls and Double Falls.  These names do not do justice to the beauty of some of these waterfalls. They are great places to stop, have lunch on the creekbanks, and watch the flowing water.

If you take the long way around up North Fork Trail #24, you will climb a bit over 1300 feet, mostly in the first 3 miles, and the full hike will be just short of 10 miles.