Clydesdale launches 90% deals and cuts rates | Mortgage Strategy


Clydesdale Bank is launching a range of 90 per cent loan-to-value deals exclusively through brokers and cutting rates on other products.

The lenders new 90 per cent LTV rates start from 2.99 per cent with a £1,999 fee.

They include a free valuation for purchase and remortgage customers plus free legals for remortgage customers. 

The changes include:

  • At 90 per cent LTV, two and five-year fixed rates starting from 2.99 per cent with £1,999 fee.
  • At 75 per cent LTV two and five-year fixed rates have been reduced by up to 0.12 percentage points.
  • At 80 per cent LTV, five-year fixed rates have been reduced by up to 0.10 percentage points.
  • At 85 per cent LTV two and five-year fixed rates have been reduced by up to 0.14 points.
  • At 85 per cent and 90 per cent LTV professional and newly-qualified professional rates have been reduced by up to 0.12 points, now starting from 2.76 per cent.

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