L&G: Majority of borrowers intend to seek advice before next mortgage | Mortgage Introducer


Three in five (60%) borrowers whose financial circumstances have changed, and 50% of those who have not seen a change to their earnings, say that it will be important to seek advice when looking for their next mortgage.

Just over a third (35%) of households that need to remortgage have at least one individual who has been financially affected by COVID-19.

One in three respondents (35%) that needs to remortgage state that at least one individual in their household has been negatively impacted financially by the pandemic.

The research also uncovered that there is a need to educate consumers on the importance of protection when securing a mortgage; just one in five (20%) borrowers have critical illness cover and 11% have income protection.

An estimated 21% of those who have not seen their income change and 35% of those who have been financially impacted by the crisis say they will consider taking out life insurance when remortgaging.

Kevin Roberts, director of Legal & General Mortgage Club, said: “It’s encouraging that most consumers continue to view independent mortgage advice as a route to securing a great mortgage deal.

“This is crucial given the current challenges many are facing due to a change in circumstances, as working with an adviser could help them find a better suited product than by going it alone.

“With plenty of great value mortgages on offer, borrowers who have seen their incomes impacted by the crisis are even more likely to need an adviser to navigate the wide range of products suited to furloughed applicants and those who have accessed payment deferrals with cutting edge tools like SmartrFit offering a quick and efficient way for advisers to access the most suitable products.

“Advisers have a clear opportunity to support borrowers, helping them avoid overpaying on their mortgage as well as finding products which cater for their individual needs.

“And, once the borrower has identified the right mortgage, it’s equally important that they protect themselves and their loves ones should the worse happen.

“The unique circumstances we find ourselves in have presented advisers with a great opportunity to prove their value and by helping customers achieve the best outcomes, they too can benefit.”