Virgin Money reduces rates on high LTV range | Mortgage Introducer


Virgin Money’s 90% LTV first-time buyer fixed rates will be reduced by up to 0.20% and a series of 85% LTV products, both 2 and 5-year, have seen rate reductions.

Key highlights include reducing their 85% LTV 2-year £995 fee product by 0.04% to 2.79% and the 85% LTV 5-year fee saver offering by 0.13% to 3.16%.

Virgin Money are also reducing their first-time buyer 90% LTV 5-year £995 fee product by 0.03% to 3.46%.

Exclusive rate reductions include their first-time buyer 90% LTV 2-year £995 fee offering by 0.15% to 3.29% and the 90% LTV 2-year fee saver by 0.20% to 3.49%.

Virgin Money have let brokers know about the changes which will be effective from Tuesday 26 January.