MorganAsh adds Vulnerability Registration Service to MARS tool | Mortgage Strategy


MorganAsh has integrated the Vulnerability Registration Service (VRS) with its own resilience tool to enhance consumer protection. 

The MorganAsh Resilience System (MARS) allows staff working in financial services to assess, understand, rate and track characteristics that contribute to the vulnerability of individual customers.

The integration of VRS will provide a database of vulnerable consumers across a range of industries, including financial services suppliers, local authorities, utilities, charities and other non-profit organisations working with people in vulnerable circumstances.  

The system will automatically check the VRS database when a new consumer is entered into the MARS tool.

MorganAsh says the addition of VRS to the MARS tool will help firms meet the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) evolving requirements for firms to improve their understanding of the vulnerabilities of customers.  

MorganAsh managing director Andrew Gething says: “We are delighted to be working with VRS. While the MARS tool is focused on financial services and meeting FCA requirements, VRS is cross-industry and hence picks up people who have already informed another organisation and require a level of protection.” 

VRS chief executive officer Helen Lord adds: “The more organisations we can reach with our data, the greater chance we have of protecting vulnerable people from being caused further harm.”

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