STEM/STEAM Day in Palm Beach County


Build STEM skills in and outside of the classroom. It is imperative to encourage curiosity and confidence, connect in-class experiences to real-world concepts, and prepare today’s students for a promising future.  STEM/STEAM Day falls on November 8, 2021. Palm Beach County children are significantly better off with strong science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics skills. That is why STEM and STEAM education programs are so important. 

There is now a greater need for science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) concepts to integrate with the arts (STEAM) across the wider curriculum.  STEAM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math activities. STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.  STEAM has numerous benefits to future makers and encouraging students to tinker in a supportive environment promotes exploration, creativity, and discovery.  

It is undebatable that these subjects push society forward, and these programs help to find fun and engaging ways to teach them to students, which is all worth commemorating. So, on November 8, we celebrate STEAM/STEAM Day.