Your realtor has an amazing social media presence, but is your realtor present with you?


Here are 3 quick questions that will help you assess your realtor’s ability to focus and willingness to communicate.

3 questions to assess your realtor’s communication style

#1) Does your realtor pick up the phone and return your calls promptly? Going a step further, is your realtor eager and willing to meet with you in person? In the world of real estate, where the stakes are often high, sometimes there is no substitute for an old-fashioned conversation.

#2) Does your realtor respond to texts and emails in a thorough and timely manner? One trend we are noticing with increasing frequency is the tendency for some realtors to skim written communication, rather than read it. Sometimes, written communication is ignored altogether.

#3) Throughout your relationship, does your realtor show a genuine interest in you and proactively communicate with you so you’re always well informed? Or do they fall into a pattern of waiting for you to ask questions and to initiate all communication?

Our distracted world

We work with hundreds of realtors each year, and in our world of real estate it’s become clear to us that digital media and social media have become huge distractions for so many people in our field. So much so, that we now test all new job candidates for their ability to focus, absorb different forms of communication, and follow up with appropriate responses.

At best, working with a distracted realtor can be frustrating. At worst, it can be counterproductive and dangerous. Which is why we constantly reinforce the importance of communication and professionalism within our team. 

Will you be needing the assistance of a trusted realtor in the near future?

When you work with Mad City Dream Homes, we can assure you that you will always be working with a focused professional. True, we may not have the largest social media presence within the world of real estate, but we can promise you we will always be present with you.