10 people giving home loan advice who maybe shouldnt be


In a time of fake news and alternative facts it pays to be picky about who you speak with on how to land a home loan.

Research by Aussie shows everyone has an opinion, and home buyers are copping a mixed bag of advice from well-meaning but poorly informed sources.

One in two of us get to hear how home loans work from friends and family. One in five take advice from things we read in the media. And 16% of home buyers have been instructed on the ways of home loans by real estate agents.

It doesn’t end there.

Taxi and Uber drivers are getting in on the act. Home buyers are even getting the low down on home loans from neighbours, colleagues – and complete strangers.

The bottom line is that two thirds (65%) of Australians have received property/home loan advice from someone who is not a mortgage broker, whether they wanted it or not.

10 people giving home loan advice maybe shouldn’t be

Cut through the mortgage mumbo jumbo

All this well-intentioned advice is unfortunately leaving us more bewildered than ever.

Aussie’s Cutting through the Home Loan Crap report found we’re living in the land of home loan confusion. And when it comes to something as important as a home loan, that’s leaving us at our wits end. Two out of five (39%) people describe the home loan process as stressful. Almost one in four say it’s just plain difficult.

But there is a solution.

Why not just get your home loan advice from an expert?

Your financial planner is an expert on savings and finances. But they’re not the right person to tell you which home loan is right for you. Your beautician may be up to date with the latest cosmetics…but they’re probably not a master of mortgages.

The best way to skip the home loan confusion is to bypass the backseat experts, and speak with your local Aussie Broker, who is a home loan expert.

Two-thirds of Australians believe that a mortgage broker makes getting a home loan easier.

But it’s not just about streamlining the process.

Nine out of ten Australians believe it is important to know someone is across all the current regulations, procedures, and processes. And let’s be honest, that’s unlikely to be your best mate or the person you share the water cooler with at work.

For expert advice on your home loan, cut through the crap, and head to your local Aussie Broker. It can take the hassle out of buying your next home.