Scottish government proposes new housing bill | Mortgage Introducer


The details of the proposed bill on housing will be published next week as part of a new 20-year route map for housing in the coming decades.

Looking to the roadmap, it aims to set the path for how homes and communities should look and feel in 2040.

The plan will focus on a rented sector strategy, which seeks to address private and social rent and agricultural tenancies to ensure an affordable, quality sector offering choice to meet people’s needs.

As a result, tenants will be involved in the development of the strategy with a national network of social rented tenants developed alongside a Tenant Participation Panel.

The roadmap will also include a proposal for a new Housing Bill, to be introduced early in the next parliament, in order to take forward further reforms in the rented sector and increase the rights of tenants.

Daryl McIntosh, strategic development manager for Scotland at Propertymark, said: “The pandemic and national lockdown measures have highlighted housing needs and shone a light on space, local amenities, and connectivity and some of the details in today’s announcement are designed to meet these requirements.

“However, some of the principles in the route map will not lead to a well-functioning housing system as it will detract from the much-needed investment to provide adequate homes, whilst the policies are likely to lead to house prices stagnating at best.

“The next government should take a realistic approach not only to people’s needs for housing, but to the age and nature of existing properties and to the effect these policies will have on the wider economy and people’s ability to buy, sell and rent.

“Propertymark has published its manifesto ahead of the Scottish Elections in May and we are calling on more support for the housing sector.”