Yes, You Can Still Play Golf....With Some Modifications


With everything going on right now, our daily routines have changed greatly. While finding some sort of normalcy in our new daily routines can be tough, given the current restrictions, there are some things that we can continue to do.

One of those things is golf, albeit with some slight modifications. In fact, golf is one of the things on the approved list as far as outdoor activities go. Here are some things to consider as you go out and hit the golf course:

Continue To Practice Social Distancing

It is recommended that when you are out that you stay 6 feet away from the person closest to you. The good thing about golf is, if you are following the rules correctly, you will be way more than 6 feet away from the person or group playing in front of you. If you are playing in a group and walking, make sure to keep your distance from the others in your group. If you are playing at a course that doesn't offer walking as an option you might want to consider everyone riding in their own cart.

Don't Touch Any Equipment That Is Not Yours

As much as you might REALLY want to try out your buddy's new driver, now is not the time to do. It's important to only use your own equiment during your round. Many courses around the country are already removing bunker rakes from their courses and instituting a rule that everyone has to putt with the flagstick in. Those are both great things to do. If your local club isn't already doing so, go ahead and do both of those things.

Skip the 19th Hole

While it might be a tradition for you and your buddies to settle up over some drinks and food at the 19th hole, you might want to skip that for the time being. It's important to avoid crowds and areas where people are convening in close quarters. Skip the 19th hole and if there is something you really want from the club menu, get it to go and take it home.

Avoid Shaking Hands

While golf etiquette states that it is customary to shake hands after your round, it's ok to break that rule in these circumstances. The same goes for the congratulatory high-five when someone hits a good shot or drains that long putt for birdie.

Other than those slight modifications, get out and enjoy a round of golf!