ONS: Real estate sector tops the list for accessing CJRS and government funds | Mortgage Introducer


The real estate sector also reported the highest percentage of businesses having received government-backed accredited loans or finance agreements, at 17%.

The majority (83%) reported that this funding had helped them continue trading.

Among all UK businesses that have temporarily closed or paused trading, 16% reported they expect to restart in the next two weeks, and 9% expect to start in the next two to four weeks

Across all industries, 8% of businesses had restarted trading within the last two weeks.

More than three-fifths (62%) of all UK businesses continuing to trade reported their turnover had been lower than normal between 4 May and 17 May 2020.

The North East was the region that had the greatest proportion of businesses that saw a decrease in turnover with 73%, and the lowest proportion of businesses with turnover unaffected at 19%.

London and Northern Ireland both had the highest proportion of businesses that reported that their turnover had been unaffected (34%).

They also had the lowest proportion of businesses who reported that their turnover decreased, with 59% in London and 54% in Northern Ireland.

Of those intending to restart trading in the next two weeks, 12% of the workforce were expected to return from remote working, while 33% were expected to return from furlough.

The two most common measures that businesses indicated they intend to implement when they restart trading were social distancing and personal protective equipment (PPE), at 89% and 82% respectively.

The construction, manufacturing and real estate activities sectors all reported 100% of businesses intending to implement social distancing, while 97%, 90% and 100% respectively reported intending to implement PPE.

Of all businesses that had not permanently stopped trading, 42% had cash reserves to last less than six months.