Moneyfacts brings out green mortgage search function | Mortgage Strategy


Users of Moneyfacts Analyser will now be able to search and filter for ‘green’ residential and buy-to-let (BTL) mortgages.

Currently, the system will provide details for 525 residential mortgages and 302 BTL mortgages of this type.

Green mortgages have gained popularity in recent months, with a number of lenders launching mortgages aimed at lending on more energy efficient properties and allowing funds to be used for upgrades.

On that subject, Natwest reports that the majority of UK homeowners plan to upgrade their own properties in future to reduce energy bills.

And just last month, Rightmove produced a paper showing that the higher a property’s energy performance rating, the more it will sell for.

Moneyfacts head of analyser products Darren Cook says: “Green mortgages have now become a significant part of the mainstream mortgage market, with new products regularly appearing with a variety of different green characteristics tailored towards improving the energy efficiency of a homeowner’s property.

“The latest update to our residential and BTL Mortgage Analysers is another innovation that combines the ability to perform market-leading detailed searches, state-of-the-art analysis, and expert comparison reporting.”

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