Precise launches 60% LTV buy-to-let and resi deals | Mortgage Introducer


Precise is offering a 3.14% 2-year fixed rate and 3.69% 5-year fix for residential borrowers. Maximum property value is £600,000 whilst the maximum loan size £360,000.

On the buy-to-let front Precise is offering a 2.99% 2-year fix and a 3.49% 5-year. Maximum loan size and property value are in line with its resi range.

On resi Kent Reliance will be offering a 2-year fix at 3.39% and a 3.79% 5-year fix. For buy-to-let there is a  3.24% 2-year and 3.59% for a 5-year fix.

The lenders have been able to launch the products after working extensively with their panel parters so as to be able to find a desktop valuation solution.

A statement on the Precise Website reads: “Following government restrictions introduced to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we’ve been busy working on solutions for you and your customers whilst physical property inspections remain unavailable.

“We’ve worked closely with our valuation panel partners and are now able to accept desktop valuations on residential and buy-to-let first charge mortgages.”