Tenet launches support and counselling service for member firms | Mortgage Introducer


TAP has been launched in conjunction with Care First, and is accessible by phone and online.

Care First’s qualified counsellors and information specialists will provide help for people dealing with practical and emotional issues, including stress, bereavement, family issues, consumer rights and workplace pressures.

Tenet has also recently reached out to its directly authorised (DA) firms to offer them two months free access to its Technical Services and Research module, usually costing £95 a month per firm.

This includes access to daily product bulletins and criteria spreadsheets, to help stay up to date with product, underwriting and service changes in the investment, pensions, mortgage and protection markets.

It also provides access to the approved panels and regular communications and guidance on market developments that impact on financial advice.

Mark Scanlon, chief executive at Tenet, said: “We have had a similar service in place for Tenet employees for a number of years and felt it was important in the current environment that our advisers could benefit from this type of confidential support.

“For our solo [registered individual (RI)] firms in particular, the pandemic can be a lonely experience and anything we can do to alleviate this is valuable.”