Evictions on hold across large part of UK | Mortgage Strategy


Evictions across much of England and Wales are to be put on hold after bailiffs agreed to halt enforcement of court orders for tenants living under tier 2 and tier 3 Coronavirus restrictions.

The agreement means that people in London, Essex, Surrey, Merseyside, Greater Manchester, many parts of the northeast, South Yorkshire, London and all other areas where the alert is “high” or “very high”, cannot be forced out of their homes while restrictions remain in place.

However, this does not stop evictions from progressing through the courts which means that residents could still be required to leave some time after Covid rules are eased.

Wales is not under the same three tier system, but evictions will be on hold during the course of the 17-day “firebreak” which started on Friday.

Justice secretary Robert Buckland wrote to bailiff trade bodies to ask them not to proceed with evictions in tier 2 and tier 3 areas. 

The letter has not been published by the Ministry of Justice, but according to the Independent he said:

“We would request that your members should instruct the enforcement agents working under their authorisation not to enter properties that are classified as local alert level 2 (high) or 3 (very high).”

He added that the situation was rapidly changing and would be kept under review.  

Members of the High Court Enforcement Officers Association have agreed to pause evictions.

According to the Independent, this is likely to mean that people in tier 2 and 3 areas will not be evicted until at least 12 January.

A suspension of evictions is already in place over the Christmas period between 11 December and 11 January, the newspaper reports.

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