Stuart add a Healthy Siesta Habit in New Year



It is 2021 and we should be incorporating healthy habits into our lives.  Perhaps you live in Stuart and are at a loss for a new healthy habit.  Look no further than my family’s homeland, Spain.  Wander around the streets of Spain in the mid-afternoon and you will likely find a lot of the shops are closed briefly. That is because the country still values the midday nap. The rest is called a “siesta”. The term stems from the Latin word for “sixth hour,” which traditionally fell around noon since the day started at dawn. 

Obviously getting some extra zzz’s can make you feel more rested, but there are other physical health benefits, including better heart function, hormonal maintenance, and cell repair.  According to a study by the researchers at NASA, a brief 40-minute nap can improve performance by 34% and alertness by 100%.  A 20- to 30-minute siesta has been shown to boost mood and reduce accidents. 

Not all Spaniards sleep during this time.  Some just use it as an extended lunch break to step away from the grind of the workday. The break has been proven to improve attention spans and focus.  Try a siesta midday and see if you notice any improvement in your mood or productivity.