Lenders announce moratorium on possessions until early Jan | Mortgage Strategy


Members of UK Finance and the Building Societies Association (BSA) have agreed on a moratorium on possessions from 13 December to 4 January 2022.

The say they will not seek or enforce a warrant for possession for both residential and buy-to-let properties.

UK Finance managing director of personal finance Eric Leenders says: “Lenders have come together to agree a voluntary pause on possessions over Christmas and the new year, providing customers peace of mind that they will stay in their homes over the festive period.

“For anyone who is struggling with their finances, there are a range of options available, and lenders stand ready to help. Customers should contact their lender as soon as possible if they need support.”

And BSA head of mortgage and housing policy Paul Broadhead comments: “Repossessing someone’s home is an absolute last resort and lenders do all that they can to provide people suffering financial difficulties with the tailored support that they need.

“The aim is to help people get back on their feet, but this Christmas and New Year moratorium will give some respite to those who have reached the end of the road.

“For anyone who is facing financial difficulty the message is to get in touch with your lender early, as this gives the best chance of success.”

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