ULS chief executive Steve Goodall steps down | Mortgage Strategy


ULS Technology chief executive Steve Goodall has stepped down from the  firm to pursue other opportunities.

The listed company, which provides conveyancing and other intermediary platforms including DigitalMove, says it has already found Goodall’s successor and an announcement will be made shortly.

Goodall was appointed CEO in May 2017 and the board has expressed its gratitude for his contribution to the business over the past three years.

ULS says that Goodall’s replacement has extensive digital and platform experience.

Non-executive chairman Martin Rowland says: “As the business moves into its next phase, now is an appropriate time for Steve to hand over the reins to someone with strong digital experience. 

“On behalf of the board, I would like to thank Steve for his hard work, personal commitment and dedication to ULS.

“We look forward to announcing who our new CEO is shortly.”

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