Together pilots new BTL product with Dynamo and Crystal | Mortgage Strategy


Together has issued a new buy-to-let product, available only though a “very select” group of distributors that includes Dynamo for Intermediaries and Crystal Specialist Finance.

The semi-exclusive offering is available at up to 70 per cent LTV and has a variable rate of 4.99 per cent for loans of £200,000 and above and 5.49 per cent for loan amounts below this.

The product can be used for holiday lets, HMOs, student lets and more, and by first-time landlords, expats, non-UK nationals and otherwise.

Together says that the rate is its lowest-ever in the BTL market.

Dynamo for Intermediaries founder and chief executive Ying Tan says: “Together’s recent decision to begin cautiously increasing its lending volumes was warmly welcomed by the industry and we are pleased to be able to strengthen our relationship further by offering our members this new semi-exclusive product.

“We have seen a recent rise in the number of enquiries from would-be landlords both home and abroad as people look to take advantage of the current tax benefits, so the wide range of acceptable client profiles for this product will be particularly appealing.”

Crystal Specialist Finance group sales and marketing director Jason Berry comments: “Together’s latest BTL product range not only addresses lending requests which are becoming more prevalent, but also provides some much needed options for landlords and property investor customers who have seen criteria tighten since the start of the year.”

Meanwhile, Together head of intermediary sales Sundeep Patel adds: ““It has been a challenging few months for the industry but we have continued to work closely with our key distributors throughout this turbulent period.

“We’ve spent a lot of time talking to our partners and understanding their needs. Following excellent feedback, we’re delighted to launch our new BTL product to deliver the best possible outcomes for their landlord customers.”

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