6 easy ways to save this Valentines Day


After a jam-packed January you’re ready to put those extra dollars in the savings account and get serious about your home loan. But, February rolls around and it seems like the social events are never-ending. If Valentine’s Day is an event that’s looming over your account balance, don’t fear – there’s no reason you can’t enjoy quality time with your significant other without spender’s guilt. For example:

Make a mix tape or playlist

Ahh the mix tape – the stuff of teen romance dreams! While formats have changed slightly (cassette tapes are not as popular as they once were), the allure of a curated set of songs is pretty swoon-worthy and a cost-effective way to share your love. The kids these days are all about the Spotify or SoundCloud playlist – aren’t you? Maybe they’re the songs that perfectly describe your significant other’s baby blues or the ones that remind you of your first kiss, either way a playlist is sure to get that tick of approval. Simple, easy, effective, let’s hope your partner’s singing is up to scratch.

Compile a slideshow

Why not show your partner why you love them – literally? Making a slideshow of all your memories together is a thoughtful way to celebrate your relationship without dipping into your savings. Turn off the lights, snuggle up, and enjoy a night reliving all your romantic, adventurous and hilarious moments. It’ll have them crying, laughing and everything in between.

A handwritten letter

Channel your inner Gerard Butler (in P.S. I love you) and become the ultimate romantic with a love letter. It’s easy to get caught up in our fast-paced, tech-dominated world – even on Valentine’s Day. There’s a point where that same chocolate box you’ve been giving each other every year becomes slightly redundant, but the perfect way to spice it up? Writing down the reasons you adore your partner and cannot wait for the many more Valentine’s to come. Something personal they can hold on to forever, that’s free to boot!

Have a movie night

Skip the tickets and stay in! Grab the pillows, turn off the lights and ramp up your snack game. Putting on your favourite flick is the perfect way to spend a quiet, (cost-effective) Valentine’s Day with quality time to the max. Hot tip: Choose a scary one…

Pull together a scrapbook

So you’re more of a purist (and not a tech whiz) – the slideshow isn’t for you? Tap into your creative side and give your partner a keepsake filled with mementos. Go down the fancy route and keep it sleek and minimalist – something they can show off to their mother, or let your artistic alter ego run wild and let loose on the stickers, colourful tape and glitter. Either way, your partner will love being able to flick through your best moments together – captioned by you. #couplegoals

Dine-in date night

So that’s one element of the budget-friendly gift, and it may seem cliché, but seriously, who can resist the indulgent luxury of having their favourite dinner cooked for them? Spend a few extra dollars on a drink to match – whether that’s a delicious, fruity mocktail of your design or a drop of something bubbly. Oh and dessert – don’t skip it. For the cherry on top, do the washing up, too!

Do you have a great budget-friendly Valentine’s Day idea? Feel free to share in the comments section.