Palm Beach County Springtime


Spring has officially sprung! Residents in Palm Beach County are looking forward to longer days, warmer weather, flowers, and a burst of greenery. But for people living south of the equator, this equinox means they are heading into fall. Spring and "springtime" refer to the season, and to suggestions of rebirth, renewal, rejuvenation, rebuild, and regrowth.

Today is the Spring Vernal Equinox. This brings days and nights in equal proportions. It is simply the day when there are exactly 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of nighttime. Did you know that this is only true on the Equator? In the Northern Hemisphere, the astronomical vernal equinox (varying between March 19 and 21) can be taken to mark the first day of spring and the summer solstice (generally June 21) is marked as the first day of summer.

Spring is also the time to make a few memories together. Set aside spring cleaning and enjoy some time with your kids, work in the yard, beautify your garden and get outside to celebrate the season!

Anyone who gives your grief for a little goofing off, tell them to “go fly a kite,” literally!